sábado, 18 de junio de 2011

 Jointed leg animal: an invertebrate with an outside skeleton, bilateral symmetry, and  jointed appendages.

 Appendage: a structure that grows out of an animla body.

 Exoskeleton: an skeleton on the outside of the body.

 Molting: shedding an skeleton.

 Compound eye: eyes with many lenses.

Antennae: appendages of the head that are used for sensing, smell, and touch.

 Spiny skin animals: an invertebrate with a five part body design, radial symmetry, and spines.

Tube feet: parts of a starfish that are like suction cups and help the starfish to move, attach to rocks, and get food.

 Chordate: an animal that, at some time in its life has a though, flexible rod along its back.

 Endoskeleton: skeleton on the inside of the body.

Cold blooded: having a body temperature that changes with the temperature of the surrounding.

 Gill: a structure used by fish and some other animals to breathe in water.

13. Jawless fish: fish that have no jaw and are not covered with scales

14. Cartilage: a though, flexible tissue that supports nd shapes the bodies of some fish and some animal pats.

15. Cartilage fish: jawed fish in which the entire skeleton is made of cartilage.

16. Bony fish: fish that have skeleton, made mostly of bone.

17. Amphibian: animal that lives part of his life in water and other part in land.

18. Hibernation: the state of being inactive during cold weather.

19. Reptile: an animal that has a dry, scaly skin and can live on land.

20. Warm blooded: having a body temperature that is controlled so that it stays about the same no matter the temperature of the surrounding.

21. Mammal: an animal that has hair and feed their young milk.

22. Mammary glands: body parts that produce milk.
Vertebrate: animal with backbone.

Invertebrate: animals without a backbone.

 Symmetry: the balanced arrangement o body parts around a center point or along a center line.

 Sponge: simple invertebrates tha have pores.

 Pore: small opening.

 Stinging- cell animals: animals with stinging cell and hollow, saclike bodies that lack organs.

 Tentacle: armlike part of a stinging-cell animal.

 Flatworm: simplest worm with flattened body.

 Tapeworm: a kind of flatworm with a flattened, ribbonlike body divided into sections.

Cyst: a young worm with a protective covering.

 Planarian: a common freshwater flatworm that is not a parasite.

 Roundworm: worm that have long bodies with pointed ends.

 Hookworm: roundworm that is a parasite to humans.

Anus: opening through which undigested food leaves the body.

 Segmented worm: worms with body divided into sections called segments.

sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

vocabulary #6

chlorophyll: is a chemical that gives plants their green color and traps liht energy .

photosyntesis: is the process in wich palnts use ,water ,carbon dioxide ,and energy from the sun tomake food.

vascular  plants: are the plants that have tubelike cells in their roots ,stems and leave to carry food and water.

nonvascular plants:palnts that dont have tubelike.

moss: is a small ,nonvascular plant that has both stems an leave but noot roots.

sexual reproduction: is forming of a new organism by the union of two reproductive cell.

egg: is the female reproduction cell.

sperm:the male reproduction cell.

fertilization:the joining of the eggand the sperms.

xylen: cell carry water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leave.

pholoem: cell carry food that is made that is  made in the leave to all parts of the plants.

fern :is a vascular plant that reproduce with spore.

seed:is the parts of a plant reproduce dy forming seeds.

embroyo: is an organism in its earliest stage of grownth

conifer: is a plant that produce seed in cones.

pollen are the tines grain of seed  plants in wich sperm develop.

sábado, 16 de abril de 2011


protozoans:are one-celled animal-like organism with a nuclues.

cilia:are,short hairlike parts on the surface of the cell .

sporozoans:are protozoans that reproduce byforming spore.

spore:are special cell that are develop in new organism.

multicellular: means that an oraganism has many differents cell that do certain jobs for the organim.

algea: are plantlike protist .

smile molds : are funguslike protist that are consumers .

hyphae: the bodies of most fungi are made of a network of threadlike structure called hyphead.

spoangium fungi :are fungi that produce spore in sporangia.

sporangia: are structure ,found on the tips of hyphae that ,make.

club fungi: fungi with club-shaped parts that produce spore are called club fungi.

sac fungi: produce in saclike struckture .

budding: is the reproction in wich a small part of the parents grows into a new organism.

mutualism: a living thing arragement in wich both organism benefit is called mutualism.

lichen:is a fungus and an organism with chlorophyl that live together.

sábado, 2 de abril de 2011

vocabulary # 4

Host :is an organism tht provide food for a aparatise .

parasite: a parasite is and organism that live in r on a living thing and get food from it.

virus:is made of chromosomes-like prt carries the herediatary material.

Inferteron :is a chemical substance that infesteres with the way viruses reproduce.

vaccinnes : are substance made from weakened or dead viruses.

bacterias: are very small ,one cell monerans.

colony :is a groupof similar cell growing next to each other that dont depend of other.

capsule:some bacterias have a sticki outher layercalled a capsule.

asexsual reproduction:is the reproduce of a living thing from only one parent.

flagellum: some bacteria move with along whiplike thread calleda flagellum.

endospore :is a thick-walled structure that foms inside the cell ,enclosing all the nuclear material amd some cytoplasm.

saprophytes : are organism that use dead material.

decomposers: are living things that get their own foodfrom breaking down dead matter.

koch postulates: are steps for proving that disease is caused by certain microscopic organisn.

comunicate diseases.are ones that can be passed  from one organism to another.

antibiotics: are chemical substances that killor slow the growth of the bacteria.

biotechnology: is the use of living thing to solve practical problem.

sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

vocabulary #3

Animals:are organism of many cell ,cant make their own food , and can move.

plants :are oganism that are made up of many cells ,have chlorohyll,and can make their own food.

monerans: are one-cell  organisms that dont have a nucleus.ç

Protists:are mostly single-cell  organisms that have a nucleus and others cell parts.

Fungi .are organism that have cell wals and  absorb food  from their surroundings.

Scientist name: The genus and species names together make up the scientific name.

Phylum: is the largest group within a kingdom.

class: is the largest group within the phylum.

Order :is the largest group within a class.

Family: is the largest group within an order.

Species: the  smallest group of living things is a species.

Genus : the largest group within a family is a genus