sábado, 21 de mayo de 2011

vocabulary #6

chlorophyll: is a chemical that gives plants their green color and traps liht energy .

photosyntesis: is the process in wich palnts use ,water ,carbon dioxide ,and energy from the sun tomake food.

vascular  plants: are the plants that have tubelike cells in their roots ,stems and leave to carry food and water.

nonvascular plants:palnts that dont have tubelike.

moss: is a small ,nonvascular plant that has both stems an leave but noot roots.

sexual reproduction: is forming of a new organism by the union of two reproductive cell.

egg: is the female reproduction cell.

sperm:the male reproduction cell.

fertilization:the joining of the eggand the sperms.

xylen: cell carry water and dissolved minerals from the roots to the leave.

pholoem: cell carry food that is made that is  made in the leave to all parts of the plants.

fern :is a vascular plant that reproduce with spore.

seed:is the parts of a plant reproduce dy forming seeds.

embroyo: is an organism in its earliest stage of grownth

conifer: is a plant that produce seed in cones.

pollen are the tines grain of seed  plants in wich sperm develop.