sábado, 26 de marzo de 2011

vocabulary #3

Animals:are organism of many cell ,cant make their own food , and can move.

plants :are oganism that are made up of many cells ,have chlorohyll,and can make their own food.

monerans: are one-cell  organisms that dont have a nucleus.ç

Protists:are mostly single-cell  organisms that have a nucleus and others cell parts.

Fungi .are organism that have cell wals and  absorb food  from their surroundings.

Scientist name: The genus and species names together make up the scientific name.

Phylum: is the largest group within a kingdom.

class: is the largest group within the phylum.

Order :is the largest group within a class.

Family: is the largest group within an order.

Species: the  smallest group of living things is a species.

Genus : the largest group within a family is a genus

domingo, 20 de marzo de 2011

vocabulary #2

Adaptation: A trait that living things that makes living thingsbetter able to survive is called an adaptation.

Cell: Is the basic unit of all living things.

Cell manbrane : Give  the cell  shapeand holds th cytoplasm.

Cellular respiration: Is the process by which food is broken down down and energy is realiased.

Consumer:Are living things that eat.

Reproduced: Means to form offspring similar to the parent.

Development: Is all the changes that occur as living things grow.

Nuclear membrane: Is  the structure that surrounds the nucleous and separates it from the rest of the cell.

Nucleous:Is the cell part that help make ribosome.

Cytoplasm:The clear , jellylike material between the cell membrane and the nucleous that makes up most of the cell is called cytoplasm.

Chromosome:are the cell part with information that determines what traits a living thing will have.

Ribsomes:are cell part where proteins are made.

Mitochondria: are cell parts that produce energy from food tht has been digested .

Vacule: Is a liquid-falled space that store food,water,and minerals .

Centrioles: Are cell part that part that help with cell reproducion.

Cloroplasts :are cell parts that contains the green pigment,chloroplyll.

Cell wall : is a thick outher covering outsidethe cell membrane.

Diffusion:the muvement of substance from where there is large amount of it to where ther is a small amount of it is called diffusion.

organism: is living thing .

organ system: a group of organ that work together to do  a certain job is an organ system.

organ : is a group of tussues that work together to do job.

sábado, 5 de marzo de 2011

Vocabulary # 1

  Biology:  Is the study of living thing and once-living things.

  Control:Is astandar for comparing result.

  Data:Are the record  facts or measurement from an experiment.

  Experiment:Testing a hypothesis using a series of steps with controlled condition is called experiments.

  Hypothesis:Is a stament that can be tasted.

  International system of Units: Is a measuring system based on units of 10.
  kilogram: the SI of mass is the kilogram.

  Ligth microscope:light passe s through the object being looked at and then troughtwo or more lenses.

  Meter:Is the SI unot lengt is the meter.

  Scientific method:Scientific used a serie of steps called

  Stereomicropscope:Is used for viewing large objects and things trough wich light cannot pass, such as insects.

  technology: Is the use of  scientific discoveries to solve everyday problems is called technology.

  theory:is a hypotesis that has been tested again and by many scientist.

   variable:I s something that causes the changes observed in a experiment.

   volume:is the amount of space a subject occpies.