Biology: Is the study of living thing and once-living things.
Control:Is astandar for comparing result.
Data:Are the record facts or measurement from an experiment.
Experiment:Testing a hypothesis using a series of steps with controlled condition is called experiments.
Hypothesis:Is a stament that can be tasted.
International system of Units: Is a measuring system based on units of 10.
kilogram: the SI of mass is the kilogram.
Ligth microscope:light passe s through the object being looked at and then troughtwo or more lenses.
Meter:Is the SI unot lengt is the meter.
Scientific method:Scientific used a serie of steps called
Stereomicropscope:Is used for viewing large objects and things trough wich light cannot pass, such as insects.
technology: Is the use of scientific discoveries to solve everyday problems is called technology.
theory:is a hypotesis that has been tested again and by many scientist.
variable:I s something that causes the changes observed in a experiment.
volume:is the amount of space a subject occpies.
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